(Source: SAMHSA )
Dimensions of Wellness
Just as there are multiple aspects to the overall wellness of a community, there are also various facets that comprise the wellness of people that live within a community. There are 8 dimensions that constitute the wellness of an individual (as defined by SAMHSA above), they are : Environmental, Emotional, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Occupational, Physical, and Intellectual. At the CGF, Every program that we contrive and operate to better the communities we serve, has one or more of the dimensions of wellness interwoven at their core. Our vision is to eventually improve every metric of wellness within communities and individuals through dynamic creative programming that addresses key issues, and cumulatively solves problems that persist in our society.
8 Week Bhisaj Yoga Program (BYP)
Nurturing personal growth and community
The word Bhiṣaj in Sanskrit signifies healing. Our 8 week Bhiṣaj Yoga Program is the practice of yoga through a trauma informed lens, which culminates in the healing and physiological well-being of the practitioner. By the end of the program, every practitioner will be endowed with tools and techniques needed to heal or deal with the trauma (stress) related vicissitudes we encounter in life. Everyone experiences trauma in some form throughout the journey of our lives, the BYP enables you to navigate through difficulties, and harness ways to create a safer space for ourselves by utilizing breathwork, postures, and meditation.
As our world is experiencing a collective trauma compounded by the individual stressors of daily living, this program serves to impart the necessary tools to adjust and evolve to varying circumstances as community, and as individuals.
IN All classes you will be learning:
Pranayama (breathing exercises)
Asana (different yoga postures)
Meditation (calming the thoughts in the mind).
Classes are small and intimate, and operate on a first come first serve basis. We know that things happen in life, but attendance is critical and we recommend taking at least 6 out of the 8 classes.